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Big Help from Lowes

A visit to Brian Brannock, manager at the Penn Station Lowe’s store reaped wonderful benefits. I went to the store the day before our official visit, to get a feel for what Lowe’s could do for our Owen Street Project. Brian asked where I had been, after calling on him for the last 3 years to secure donations for Durham Public Schools. He was always so supportive with gift cards for my parent meetings, as well as landscaping projects at several Durham Schools.

I let him know I had retired in December and was now working in real estate. I told him a little about the Owen Street Project and, as always, he wanted something in writing, which I would bring the next day when I returned with Darlene. He also mentioned each store manager now had the flexibility to decide what community projects they could support at the local level. Great news!

Darlene and I returned the next day with documentation and a request. Brian immediately said he would supply a refrigerator and encouraged us to visit other Lowe’s stores. We did and were able to get needed appliances including refrigerator, washer, dryer, stove, dish washer, and full outfitting for the bathroom from Lowe’s stores in Durham, Cary, Apex, and Chapel Hill. Kudos to Lowe’s for their fantastic community support.

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